Saturday, July 29, 2006

Last evening was wonderful. My times with Susie always are, and I thank God for bringing her into my life. Lea didn't turn up. We are worried she is working too hard and I must make a point of calling her to see how she is. Susie and I have begun studying the letters to the seven churches which is a very relevant subject right now.

Today Julian has been chopping down more branches from Stephen's fir tree and clearing more rubbish from his garden. Why do parents work so hard for their children, even when their children are adults? My Mum and Dad were just the same, which reminds me to be grateful for what they did.

Ben left for Cheddar camp this morning so that is another point for prayer. I must pray this week that everyone will be kept safe and that children and teenagers will come to know the Saviour.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Hello and welcome to this little space called my blogspot. This is my first post so I hope it turns out how it is meant to. I decided to create this journal to record some events of my life and those of my family (only don't let on you know! ) and to record how I hope to follow the Lord's leading as the future is so unclear at this point in time.

But I think all I will say for now is that it is a beautiful summer's evening, hence the URL! And Friday evenings are usually the best evenings of the week as I meet up in my friend Susie's home for prayer and bible study. Tonight we are reading through Revelation 2 and we are hoping Lea will join us.

So, laters.............