Thursday, November 15, 2007

It is so long since I wrote in here that I have no idea where to begin so I’ll work backwards and see just how far back I can remember.

The news hot off the press is that Ben is in Hong Kong! At least we hope so. His flight was scheduled to take off 23 hours ago. He has been given a job until the end of May teaching English to children, which should be a real experience. Especially as he is hoping to get in plenty of travelling during their school holidays!

Stephen came home from a 3 week stint in Pakistan just before Ben was due to leave so that was good timing. We were able to spend quality family time together. Steve was sent home early for safety reasons—fortunately we didn’t know anything of the trouble in Pakistan until he was safely on English soil. After 2 days at home he was off again, but this time on holiday, to Vienna and Budapest!

Daniel’s house is coming along beautifully, and Julian is still working for Charles and for Sandhurst.

And now for Saturday club! Maybe we should have a blog just for Saturday club! Last week we didn’t arrive home until 10 minutes past 11 as Hannah was determined to get the latest project up on the walls. Last term the girls had painted individual letters on A3 paper using every colour and pattern available. These were then cut out and mounted on card to give a 3D effect and finally stuck (we hope) all around the church building. The verse we have displayed is Psalm 136 v 1 – “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” I will link to our efforts as soon as the photos are on the church website but it really does make for a colourful display. Hannah never being content with just one project at a time had a couple more on the move! In another corner the girls were busy at work on our Good Shepherd poster which is nearly ready to go up. Becky hadn’t been well during the evening and I was worried we would have to take her home. But just as we needed her expert ‘sticking’ help she appeared looking very white and decided to begin work. Three hours later when finally the last letter was up on the wall and the worst of the litter tidied away I said to her what a good thing it was that she was able to help just when we desperately needed her. The reply came back ‘I asked Jesus to make me better’. Oh the beauty of childlike trust. Tanya reminded us of Peter’s mother-in-law, how ’she arose and served them.’

It was altogether a thoroughly fantastic evening. I have set them the task of memorising the whole of Psalm 23, a section at a time, so we firstly went through the Psalm talking about the meaning and then tried to enforce the first verse with the help of a bean bag! We played ‘bible bingo’ and Emily hit on the idea of calling out ‘Jesus’ instead of bingo! It was her third week with us and a real delight to see her so happily joining in and so ready to learn. Another success was a new singing DVD and once it was watched all the way through we had the singing on in the background as we worked on the craft. 4 ½ hours of Saturday club was great although a tad tiring! And Becky was a wonder kid in making it to Sunday School only 11 hours later!!

The week before was great fun too. Lydia brought some sparklers and a tub of water in line with fire regulations (her words!) and we had fun with them in the garden, followed by huge, yummy slices of chocolate cake for Joannie’s 10th birthday. This past term we have been working through some of the parables including the lost coin, the lost sheep, the Good Samaritan and the great feast. We will cover at least two more and that should take us back to the Christmas story. We have come such a long way and I know I am so blessed seeing these young girls week by week and watching them grow in their understanding of the Saviour Who loves them so dearly.

So to move away from church (although there is so much more to write!) I must mention the wonderful holiday we had at the end of August and into September. We spent just over a week with my dear cousin Marion while Bernard was away and again had such a good time. Julian enjoyed his walks, or runs, with Meg along the cuckoo trail and it was so refreshing just to make ourselves at home, enjoy seeing the family again and of course all the homemade fruit and veg from the garden. Talking of fruit reminds me that our freezer gave way after over 20 years service the very day before we were due to leave. We managed to salvage most of the contents and I took down all our home grown fruit to Marion’s. We made pound upon pound of jam with raspberries, blackberries, rhubarb and cherries all mixed up together and very delicious it is too! On the August bank holiday weekend Anne had a REALLY big family get together at the farm. A time when we caught up with folks from years back and noticed how all the children had grown so quickly. It was a lovely summers evening and we will certainly be down for next year!

After a thoroughly lovely time at Marion’s we went on to spend a few days at our beautiful Polzeath which seems to be more beautiful every time we go if that is possible! The weather was perfect and we spent a wonderful day with Nick and Mary who we haven’t seen for something like 29 years! We had plenty of news to catch up on and I will link to some photos as soon as I can.

Well, I think that is long enough for now or no one will read it!! Thankyou in particular to Naomi for encouraging me to try and keep this up!


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