Monday, October 02, 2006

What a day we had on Saturday! Julian and I arrived at the church to find Elsie, Joni and Lydia dragging trees down the road and into the car park! The skip was filling rapidly within the first 15 minutes! Julie was working wonders with a bow saw and I don't think I shall forget the sight of Jeanne manoeuvring a tree on a wheelbarrow through the gate and round the corner. I mean there was a whole fence to creosote. Why begin with the gate Simon???!!! The entrance hall was looking great until it started raining and a muddy tribe of Bancroft kids trailed in! And Kerry did a first class job of tidying all the crèche toys and the Sunday School room. The Saturday club kids were thrilled to see the room unearthed from layers of books and crayons. So now we have discovered we have an official craft room for our club and a video room too. How cool is that! Lydia and I have planned to have a preview and decide which video to show.

And so straight on to Saturday club. What a terrific time it was. The same seven girls, so it is a good indication that they are enjoying themselves! Another two have asked to come along and that is without the invites even prepared! We had the story of the fiery furnace, with a quiz and memory verse and singing. I looked at my watch and realised 50 minutes had gone in no time! What good kids they were to listen so well! And a huge thankyou to Susie for agreeing to study the passage together the evening before. That definitely helps. And what better person to help than Susie. What precious times we have on Friday evenings. The Lord's Presence is tangible. He is True to His Word and blesses us in ways unspeakable.

Thursday bible study at Carl and Penny's was very good. Charles gave a really helpful talk on 'Guidance' particularly with Miranda in mind, but applicable to us all. It was lovely that Daniel could take me, and wonderful that he is finding his niche in his new church. Our God is so Great. I am utterly amazed at how and where He has led us over the last few months. How He has answered our prayers and the prayers of other people previously unknown to us, and brought everything together as only He can.


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