Well February is half over so I'll try to write some more! I have been working out in the garden today for the second time this year. The clumps of snowdrops are such a lovely pure white, and the crocuses and early daffodils are giving a lot of lovely colour. There is a multitude of buds on the kerria although some of the bushes seem to have been flowering all year round. Now I need someone to give me a bright idea as to what to do with the remaining three railway sleepers, especially as one of them blew over in last month's strong winds! Some kind of garden feature would be nice...
Saturday club is going great. This half term we have covered the childhood of Jesus, His baptism, the call of His disciples, the miraculous catch of fish and the feeding of the 5000. The next part of the term I want to concentrate on the complete Easter story with 5 sessions and show the Jesus Quest DVD. It was great to have Rucha's Mum sitting in with us last week, and fantastic that Penny can help out so frequently now along with Hannah. We are planning on a huge banner of a pathway running around the entrance hall of the church with the words 'Jesus said Come follow Me'. Hence all the glittery footprints and the fun use of the tea trays last week filled with finger (foot!!) paints! At least Lydia chose blue to walk on the carpet so no one will notice!
Steve is still enjoying London and had a great time on the oil rig again where it seems his work is appreciated! Ben managed to break down in his company car this week. Lesson number one. Car keys can lose vital chips when dropped! Julian is wondering what to do for his next line of job. He has until April 25th at the office so watch this space. Although don't hold your breath! Grandma has her bright days and others not so bright. I wish we were closer just to give her plenty of reassurance as that is what she needs.
Daniel is loving his new church at Waltham Abbey as much as we are feeling at home at Hertford. It is a real joy to take along Claire and Kirsty, and yes Ron I guess we shall have to turn up at the quiz night! And a special publicity to say how well Laura performed in 'Annie' last week. My first Musical and well worth it! Vicki remind me to treat you to a night out!
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